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VDI 3833 Blatt 1

Dynamic damper and dynamic vibration absorber - Dynamic damper - Fundamentals, characteristics, implementation, application

At a glance

German title

Schwingungsdämpfer und Schwingungstilger - Schwingungsdämpfer - Grundlagen, Kenngrößen, Realisierung, Anwendung

Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
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German, English

The standard shows how vibration dampers can be described in their energy-dissipating properties and what effects a change in the magnitude of the damping will have on a vibratory system. Finally, a number of different technical implementations (designs) and their function principles will be described as well as some applications for different dampers. It also provides suitable characteristic values for describing the dissipative properties of the vibration dampers.

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