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VDI 3814 Blatt 2.3

Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Planning - Concept of operation and user interfaces

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German title

Gebäudeautomation (GA) - Planung - Bedienkonzept und Benutzeroberflächen

Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Bauen und Gebäudetechnik
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German, English

The standard describes the planning of the human machine interface to the building automation and control system. The application of the standard creates a unified basis serving to simplify the planning, execution and acceptance of management and operating equipment. It provides guidance for the design of user interfaces of building automation systems; insofar it is an aid for formulating contract specifications by the builder-owner and user as well as for the planner and BA manufacturer. Further tasks required for the use of a property such as energy and environmental management, reporting, maintenance, etc., which have to be represented by the user interface, are not described. These functions have to be implemented in accordance with this standard as required by the specifics of the property, or project, in question. It is, according to the VDI Agenda Building Automation, the update of the previous standard VDI 3814 Part 7.

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