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VDI 3655

Requirements on flat pallets for the use in mechanised and automated conveying and storage systems

At a glance

German title

Anforderung an Flachpaletten für den Einsatz in mechanisierten und automatisierten Förder- und Lagersystemen

Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
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Available in
German, English

It is the purpose of this VDI guideline to provide the user - under consideration of the requirements of his business and his sector of industry - with a means of selecting suitable pallets for his operation, or to test his current pallets on suitability. Furthermore, this guideline recommends specific testing methods, tolerances etc., which are based on a use-related catalogue of requirements and thus allow the development and/or production of special pallets which are best suited for the field of application in each case. In this context, the safety requirements in construction and utilization of pallets, as they are set out e.g. in applicable standards and regulations of the railways and workers compensation insurance carriers, are to be observed.

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