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VDI 3462 Blatt 5

Emission control - Wood machining and processing - Combustion plants burning wood and wood-based panels treated with wood preservatives or coated with materials containing halogenated organic compounds or heavy metals

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German title

Emissionsminderung - Holzbearbeitung und -verarbeitung - Feuerungsanlagen zur Verbrennung von Holz und Holzwerkstoffen mit Holzschutzmitteln, halogenorganischen oder schwermetallhaltigen Beschichtungen

Publication date
Engl. VDI/DIN-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft (KRdL) - Normenausschuss
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German, English

The standard describes the state of the art of combustion plants for burning wood and wood-based materials that contain wood preservatives or, as a result of a coating, halogen-organic compounds or heavy metals, and the resulting waste. Such installations are subject to the provisions of No. 8.1 of the Annex to the 4th BImSchV in conjunction with the 17th BImSchV. Installations and facilities for the combustion of wood and wood-based materials that are not treated with wood preservatives and do not have coatings containing organohalogens and heavy metals are described in standard VDI 3462 Part 4. Safety regulations and rules remain unaffected by this standard. Insofar as these systems fall within the scope of the Major Accidents Ordinance (12th BImSchV) as part of an operating area, additional measures not described in this standard may be required for safety-relevant system parts in individual cases. This standard is primarily addressed to operators and plant manufacturers of such combustion plants as well as the authorities responsible for licensing and monitoring.

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