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VDI 2463 Blatt 2

Particulate matter measurement - Sampling of airborne particulate matter in ambient air - Active sampling with HVS (high volume sampler)

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German title

Messen von Partikeln - Erfassung von luftgetragenen Partikeln in Außenluft - Aktive Probenahme mittels HVS (High-Volume-Sampler)

Publication date
Engl. VDI/DIN-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft (KRdL) - Normenausschuss
Technical Division Environmental Measurement Technologies
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Available in
German, English

The particles dispersed in ambient air are collected on filters using a high volume sampler (HVS). The particle-laden filter is automatically replaced by a clean filter at the end of every sampling cycle and a new cycle is started. The mass of the particles collected on the filters is determined in each case from the difference in weight of the filter before and after sampling. The measurement result is reported as a concentration by mass. The standard specifies apparatus specific requirements with respect to an active sampling for the determination of particles and their constituents in ambient air with HVS. It defines basic requirements for the sampling apparatus and the sampling head as well as the permissible tolerances of the air volume of the HVS. For the determination of the particle mass concentration HVS are suitable for the operation in measurement stations and outdoors. The typical sampling period of an HVS is 24 hours for one filter. Depending on the measurement task also different sampling periods can be reasonable.

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