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VDI 2463 Blatt 1 - Draft

Particulate matter measurement - Gravimetric determination of the mass concentration of suspended particulate matter in ambient air - General principles

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German title

Messen von Partikeln - Gravimetrische Bestimmung der Massenkonzentration luftgetragener Partikel in der Außenluft - Grundlagen

Publication date
End date of the objection deadline
Engl. VDI/DIN-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft (KRdL) - Normenausschuss
Technical Division Environmental Measurement Technologies
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Particulate matter in outdoor air has an impact on human health and the climate, which is why they are given special attention with regard to air quality and climate protection. The size of particulate matter relevant to air hygiene extends over several powers of ten. It has a decisive influence on absorption via the respiratory tract and is therefore highly relevant for the potential effect of particulate matter and their constituents on human health.This standard describes the principles of manual gravimetric determination of the mass concentration of airborne particles in the ambient air. In many places, reference is made to DIN EN 12341 without repeating its contents. The aim of this standard is to provide information that goes beyond DIN EN 12341.

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