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VDI 2263 Blatt 4

Dust fires and dust explosions; hazards, assessment, protective measures; suppression of dust explosions

At a glance

German title

Staubbrände und Staubexplosionen; Gefahren, Beurteilung, Schutzmaßnahmen; Unterdrückung von Staubexplosionen

Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt
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Available in
German, English

Explosion supression systems are installations which detect a dust explosion at the very beginning and interrupt its propagation through the rapid dispersion of an extinguishing medium. The bild-up of an unacceptably high pressure is thereby prevented and the explosion limited to the inside of the protected vessels and apparatus. The prerequisite for this measure is a pressure-resistant design for the anticipated reduced explosion pressure.

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