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VDI 2122

Motion transmission through four-member plane articulated gearboxes - Dimensional synthesis for general layer assignments - Gear unit designs with one swivel joint and one prismatic joint at the coupling link

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German title

Bewegungsübertragung durch viergliedrige ebene Gelenkgetriebe - Maßsynthese für allgemeine Lagenzuordnungen - Getriebebauformen mit einem Drehgelenk und einem Schubgelenk am Koppelglied

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Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
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The standard extends the range of solutions compared to the basic standard VDI 2121 and can be used in addition for the development and design of simple four-link articulated gearboxes used in various areas of mechanical engineering and equipment manufacturing, for example in processing and packaging machines or in handling systems. While VDI 2121 initially only considers those transmission designs in which both joints on the coupling link are designed as a rotary joint, the application is extended in the standard VDI 2122 to those transmission designs in which one of the two joints on the coupling link is designed as a thrust joint. All basic statements of VDI 2121 also apply to VDI 2122. In particular, this concerns the general statements on dimension synthesis, on its typical solution characteristics and on practical application aspects in Section 4 of VDI 2121. This means that questions of the practical usability of the determined solutions are also disregarded here in the context of the synthesis tasks dealt with. The dimensional synthesis of four-link articulated gears, especially with regard to the transmission quality, is dealt with in the standards VDI 2123 to VDI 2126.

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