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DIN EN 16414

Ambient air - Biomonitoring with mosses - Accumulation of atmospheric contaminants in mosses collected in situ: from the collection to the preparation of samples; German version EN 16414:2014

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German title

Außenluft - Biomonitoring mit Moosen - Akkumulation von Luftschadstoffen in Moosen (passives Monitoring): Probenahme und Probenaufbereitung; Deutsche Fassung EN 16414:2014

Publication date
Engl. VDI/DIN-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft (KRdL) - Normenausschuss
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This European Standard describes the sampling protocol and the preparation of samples of in situ mosses to monitor the bioaccumulation of atmospheric contaminants. It specifies the actions that should be taken from the field sampling of mosses to their final preparation before analysis for targeted contaminants. This European Standard applies to spatial and/or temporal biomonitoring of atmospheric contaminants.It is of interest to all operators wishing to conduct air quality biomonitoring studies.

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