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Rethinking the circular economy for plastics

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Green Paper
Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V.

At VDI, we have discussed this challenge with all the participating stakeholders in the cycle, taking plastics as an example, and initially concentrating on the overarching and systemic issues. After all, the transformation to a circular economy will only succeed if not only individual technical solutions, but the entire “system” is geared to the production and use of high-quality recyclates from the outset.

This paper is the result of a comprehensive dialogue process over about two years between experts from industry, science, NGOs and politics. The aim was to map the entire plastics cycle from the chemical industry, plastics processors and OEMs, via commerce and consumers, to recycling companies.

Download VDI-Green Paper "Circular Economy für Kunststoffe neu denken" (PDF) | German Version

Zugehörige Datei
Download VDI-Green Paper "Rethinking the circular economy for plastics (PDF) | English Version
Michael Krüss
Leiter Strategie und Transformation
VDI e.V.
Tel.: +49 211 6214-354
E-Mail: kruess@vdi.de
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